el kelta lingvo. El la mezangla tor, torr-, el la anglosaksa vorto " torr ", 'rokego, alta monto, turo', eble el la prakelta, komparu kun la malnov-kimra*tor, 'monteto'; prae el la latina turris, 'strukturego'. El la greka antikva vorto " τύρρις " (týrsis), el ne-hindeŭropa deveno.
1855, Charles Kingsley, Westward Ho!, Tickor and Fields (1855), pages 104-105:
Bursdon and Welsford were then, as now, a rolling range of dreary moors, unbroken by tor or tree, or anything save few and far between a world-old furze-bank which marked the common rights of some distant cattle farm, and crossed then, not as now, by a decent road, but by a rough confused trackway, the remnant of an old Roman road from Clovelly dikes to Launceston.
She had slipped the letters into her pocket next to the packet of antique documents and had taken an umbrella—as the sky was ominous out over the distant tors—and strolled around the manor house and down the road toward the village.