Elparolo |
- IFA: ˈmədəʊ , plurnombro: ˈmedəʊz
- IFA: brita ˈmɛdəʊ
- IFA: usona ˈmɛdoʊ
Sono : ( lingvo -en-,
dialekto -US-) (dosiero)
Deveno |
- el la malnovangla mǣdwe, fleksiita formo de[[mǣd** (vidu mead), el la praĝermana *mēdwō (komparu kun la okcidentfrisa mierde, dialecta nederlanda made, dialecta germana **Matte** (“mounta herbejo”)), el la hindeŭropa *h₂met- (“falĉi, rikolti”) (komparu kun la kimra medi, latina metere, malnovgreka ἄμητος (ámētos, “rikolto”)), plilongo de *h₂meh₁-. Pli pri tio ĉe mow.
Angla substantivo English noun | |
Singularo | Pluralo |
meadow | meadows |
wildflower meadow -- sovaĝfloro en herbejo |
Signifoj |
Ekzemploj |
- [1] "A fair sight was Nottingham Town on the day of the shooting match. All along upon the green meadow beneath the town wall stretched a row of benches, one above the other, which were for knight and lady, squire and dame, and rich burghers and their wives; for none but those of rank and quality were to sit there."[1]
Vortfaradoj kaj vortgrupigadoj |
- alpine meadow, edge of the meadow, meadowy, meadow ant, meadow brown, meadow buttercup, meadow rue, meadow saffron, meadow sage, mountain meadow, sloping meadow, upland madow, water meadow, wet meadow
- A field or pasture; a piece of land covered or cultivated with grass, usually intended to be mown for hay; an area of low-lying vegetation, especially near a river.
- But then I had the [massive] flintlock by me for protection. ¶ […] The linen-press and a chest on the top of it formed, however, a very good gun-carriage; and, thus mounted, aim could be taken out of the window at the old mare feeding in the meadow below by the brook,Ŝablono:nb....
- 1907, Harold Bindloss, chapter 1, The Dust of Conflict
- […] belts of thin white mist streaked the brown plough land in the hollow where Appleby could see the pale shine of a winding river. Across that in turn, meadow and coppice rolled away past the white walls of a village bowered in orchards, […]
- 1956, Delano Ames, chapter 7, Crime out of Mind
- Our part of the veranda did not hang over the gorge, but edged the meadow where half a dozen large and sleek horses had stopped grazing to join us.
- Low land covered with coarse grass or rank herbage near rivers and in marshy places by the sea.
- the salt meadows near Newark Bay
- 2013 januaro 1, Nancy Langston, “The Fraught History of a Watery World”, American Scientist, volume 101, number 1, page 59:
- European adventurers found themselves within a watery world, a tapestry of streams, channels, wetlands, lakes and lush riparian meadows enriched by floodwaters from the Mississippi River.
Derived terms
[redakti]- catch-meadow|meadow barley|meadow beauty|meadow bright|meadow buttercup|meadow clary|meadow clover|meadow cranesbill|meadow cress|meadow dermatitis|meadow fern|meadow fescue|meadow foxtail|meadow frog|meadow golden|meadow grass|meadow horsetail|meadow jumping mouse|meadow leek|meadow lily|meadow mouse|meadow muffin|meadow mushroom|meadow nematode|meadow ore|meadow oxeye|meadow pea|meadow pink|meadow pipit|meadow rue|meadow saffron|meadow salsify|meadow saxifrage|meadow spikemoss|meadow spittlebug|meadow starling|meadow thistle|meadow violet|meadow vole|meadowage|meadowed|meadower|meadowing|meadowish|meadowland|meadowlark|meadowless|meadowsweet|meadow-wink|meadowy|queen of the meadow|water meadow
Referencoj kaj literaturo |
- [1]
- [1] Macmillan Dictionary, far Macmillan Education Limited: meadow (brita), meadow (usona)
- [1] Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary meadow
- [1] Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus meadow
- [1] (vortaro angla-angla, trezoro kaj enciklopedio) meadow
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