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El Vikivortaro
Angla substantivo
English noun


  1. (vestaĵo) komunlingve jako; mallonga jaketo; manteleto havanta longajn manikojn, vestaĵo porvirina ĵaketo; de libro kromkovrilo
El la mezfranca jacquet, diminutivo de la malnov-franca "jaque.
  • IFAbrita  /ˈd͡ʒæk.ɪt/ 
  • IFAusona  /ˈd͡ʒækɪt/  /ˈd͡ʒækət/ 
  • Sono :(lingvo -en-,
    dialekto -US-
  1. A piece of clothing worn on the upper body outside a shirt or blouse, often waist length to thigh length.
  2. A piece of a person's suit, beside trousers and, sometimes, waistcoat ; coat Usono
  3. A removable or replaceable protective or insulating cover for an object (eg a book, hot water tank.); sleeve
  4. slang A police record.
    • 1995, Clockers, 00:26:00:
      "We got a crowd of black, white customers, out-of-state license plates, what have you. Somebody gonna check that out. They gonna drop a dime on me, call 911. With my jacket, I can't go back to jail."
    • 1995, Clockers, 00:43:50:
      "Yo's jacket shows possession with intent, possession of unlicensed firearm, and assault, for which he still owes three years."
  5. military In ordnance, a strengthening band surrounding and reinforcing the tube in which the charge is fired.